Thursday, September 29, 2005

Back to Basics

Oh, yes. Oh, indeed. Well done, US Department of Education. How gracious of you to exempt schools and districts decimated by hurricanes from meeting the testing benchmarks for the year. You schools who have no buildings and no homes from which the students can come? Yeah, don't worry about the testing. We're waiving your requirements this year. That's a freebie. But boy, next year, you better watch your asses.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Next year? Hell, they better get their asses out their and pick up the shambles of their former academic life, or it's back to the salt mines with them...

Man my ability to English getts badder the longer I stay in this country. Let me try to flex ye olde vocabulairee:

Yonder flocke hathe stout mead for thine healthe.

I need to read something written in the last century

3:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Brilliant! I especially like that part about the schools being destroyed...hey, maybe if I throw all of my pay stubs into a fan and piss on them, I won't have to pay taxes!! That was supposed to be funny but it makes it look like I'm siding with NCLB, which I am not.
Ny the way, nice use of the word decimate. this definition makes it all the more sweet:

Main Entry: dec·i·mate
Pronunciation: 'de-s&-"mAt
Function: transitive verb
Inflected Form(s): -mat·ed; -mat·ing
Etymology: Latin decimatus, past participle of decimare, from decimus tenth, from decem ten
1 : to select by lot and kill every tenth man of



9:29 AM  
Blogger Madame Flamingo said...

Neezu...oh, Neezu. How I miss your original colloquialisms. I think you should write your sayings down -- and it shall be called "Book of Neezu" instead of the "Book of Virtues." I would buy that book. I would even pay full price. I would maybe even make a donation to a charity of your choosing.

6:07 PM  

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